SIFT 2015: Strongly-Interacting Field Theories
5 Nov 2015, 08:00
7 Nov 2015, 15:00
Benedetti - Renormalization Group Flows in Tensorial Group Field Theories.pdf
Bjerrum-Bohr - Unitarity and Effective Field Theory Results in Quantum Gravity.pdf
Codello - Covariant EFT of Gravity and Dark Energy.pdf
DOdorico - Horava-Lifshitz Gravity from an RG perspective.pdf
Eichhorn - Does quantum gravity have to be a TOE.pdf
Fredenhagen - On higher-spin gravity in three dimensions.pdf
Goerlich - Phase structure of causal dynamical triangulations.pdf
Gurau - Phase transitions in tensor models.pdf
Hamber - Regge-Wheeler lattice theory of gravity.pdf
Hollands - Operator product expansion.pdf
Knorr - Parametrisation dependence in non-perturbative approximations of quantum gravity.pdf
Lippoldt,Gies - Gravity, Fermions and Spin Base Invariance.pdf
Litim - Asymptotic safety from gauge theories to gravity.pdf
Oriti - Group field theories for the Atoms of Space and their renormalisation.pdf
Sahlmann -From groups and knots to BH entropy.pdf
Vacca - Some results for a f(R) truncation for a QG action using the exponential parametrization of the metric.pdf
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