SIFT 2012: Strongly-Interacting Field Theories
29 Nov 2012, 08:00
1 Dec 2012, 13:00
Alkofer - Aspects of confinement and the center symmetry phase transition from QCD correlation functions.pdf
Baumgartner, Steinhauer, Wenger - Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking.pdf
Bild, Deckert, Ruhl - Radiation reaction in classical electrodynamics.pdf
Bruckmann - QCD probed by strong magnetic fields.pdf
Buballa - Inhomogeneous phases.pdf
Catterall, Damgaard, Degrand, Dhagash, Mehta, Galvez - A Supersymmetric Lattice Theory, N = 4 YM.pdf
Chandrasekharan - Fermion-bag approach.pdf
Fischer - Phase transitions in strong QED3.pdf
Gattringer - Lattice field theories with dual variables.pdf
Goerlich - Causal Dynamical Triangulations.pdf
Janssen, Braun, Gies, Roscher - Critical phenomena in (2+1)d chiral fermion systems.pdf
Laiho - Lattice Quantum Gravity.pdf
Lucini - Mass-Deformed IR Conformal.pdf
Maas - G2 gauge theories.pdf
Philipsen - Finite density QCD from an effective lattice theory.pdf
Saueressig - A functional renormalization group equation.pdf
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