"Facets of Unitarity Violation in Dynamical Spacetimes" by Ka Hei Choi (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich);
"Gravity and the Superposition Principle" by Hristu Culetu (Ovidius University);
"The master Dyson-Schwinger equation and the Wilsonian renormalization group flows in a generally covariant setting" by Andras Laszlo (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest);
"Uniformly accelerated particles and gravitational waves: The Unruh effect and zero-Rindler-energy modes" by Felipe Portales-Oliva (Federal University of ABC);
"Towards a Probabilistic Foundation of Relativistic Quantum Theory: The One-Body Born Rule in Curved Spacetime" by Maik Reddiger (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences);
"Modelling quantum particles falling into a black hole: the deep interior limit" by Sami Viollet (CPT Marseille);
"Scattering Analogy of Cosmological Particle Production in a BEC-Quantum simulator" by Christian F. Schmidt (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena);
"Hawking radiation around and inside rotating and accreting black holes" by Tyler McMaken (ILA and the University of Colorado Boulder);
"The Utility of Lorentzian Network Histories" by Cecilia Giavoni (Munich)
TBD by Maria Alberti (Leipzig)