28 August 2023 to 1 September 2023
Leipzig University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Poster session

29 Aug 2023, 11:50
Leipzig University

Leipzig University

Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences Linnéstr. 5 04103 Leipzig
Poster presentation Morning session 2


Andras Laszlo (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest) Cecilia Giavoni (LMU-Munich) Christian Schmidt (Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut Jena, Germany) Felipe Portales Oliva (Federal University of ABC) Hristu Culetu (Ovidius University) Ka Hei Choi (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) Maik Reddiger (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences) Maria Alberti (ITP Leipzig) Tyler McMaken (University of Colorado Boulder) sami viollet (CPT Marseille)


"Facets of Unitarity Violation in Dynamical Spacetimes" by Ka Hei Choi (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich);
"Gravity and the Superposition Principle" by Hristu Culetu (Ovidius University);
"The master Dyson-Schwinger equation and the Wilsonian renormalization group flows in a generally covariant setting" by Andras Laszlo (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest);
"Uniformly accelerated particles and gravitational waves: The Unruh effect and zero-Rindler-energy modes" by Felipe Portales-Oliva (Federal University of ABC);
"Towards a Probabilistic Foundation of Relativistic Quantum Theory: The One-Body Born Rule in Curved Spacetime" by Maik Reddiger (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences);
"Modelling quantum particles falling into a black hole: the deep interior limit" by Sami Viollet (CPT Marseille);
"Scattering Analogy of Cosmological Particle Production in a BEC-Quantum simulator" by Christian F. Schmidt (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena);
"Hawking radiation around and inside rotating and accreting black holes" by Tyler McMaken (ILA and the University of Colorado Boulder);
"The Utility of Lorentzian Network Histories" by Cecilia Giavoni (Munich)
TBD by Maria Alberti (Leipzig)

Presentation materials