28 August 2023 to 1 September 2023
Leipzig University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Quantum energy inequalities in integrable models

30 Aug 2023, 15:20
Leipzig University

Leipzig University

Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences Linnéstr. 5 04103 Leipzig
Contributed talk Afternoon session 1


Jan Mandrysch (Leipzig University)


Many results in general relativity rely crucially on classical energy conditions inflicted on the stress-energy tensor. Quantum matter, however, violates these conditions since the energy density can fluctuate and in particular become arbitrarily negative at a point. Nonetheless quantum matter should have some reminiscent notion of stability, which can be captured by so-called quantum (weak) energy inequalities (QEIs), lower bounds of the smeared quantum stress-energy tensor. QEIs could be proven in many free quantum field theories (QFT) on both flat and curved spacetimes. However, it is less clear what happens in models with self-interaction.

We will present numerical and analytical results on QEIs in a large class of 1+1d models referred to as integrable QFTs. As particular examples we treat the O(n)-nonlinear-sigma and sinh-Gordon model at 1- and 2-particle level.

Parts of the talk are based on https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.00063.

Primary author

Jan Mandrysch (Leipzig University)


Daniela Cadamuro (Leipzig University) Henning Bostelmann (University of York)

Presentation materials