Christian Gass
(University of Warsaw)
A fresh attempt towards a quantum field theory of gravitons
interacting with matter is based on the Fock space quantization of
Wigner's helicity 2 representation, rather than canonical quantization
of a massless rank-2 tensor field. In this way, all issues with
indefinite state spaces, overshooting degrees of freedom, gauge fixing,
etc. are avoided. It turns out that quantum consistency of this
approach is exactly as restrictive on the structure of the interactions,
as the postulate of general covariance in the canonical approaches,
to the extent that general covariance may be regarded as a
quantum prediction, rather than an assumed principle.
Primary authors
Christian Gass
(University of Warsaw)
José M. Gracia-Bondía
Karl-Henning Rehren
(Universität Göttingen)