25-29 July 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Gross-Neveu SO(3) criticality in spin-orbital liquids: FRG vs higher-order perturbation theory

27 Jul 2022, 17:35


Shouryya Ray


The Gross-Neveu SO(3) universality class in three spacetime dimensions describes a quantum critical point between a Dirac semimetal and a long-range-ordered phase in which the fermion spectrum is only partially gapped out. Such a quantum critical point has recently been predicted to be realizable in two-dimensional spin-orbital magnets with strong exchange frustration. Here, I shall report on our efforts to characterize the quantum critical behaviour of the Gross-Neveu-SO(3) universality class using the functional renormalization group in the improved local potential approximation, and compare with our three-loop and second-order large-N results. Time permitting, I shall also discuss some of the qualitative behaviour for general spactime dimension and flavour number, which shows some distinctive features that are absent in the corresponding Gross-Neveu-Ising and -Heisenberg incarnations.

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