28 August 2023 to 1 September 2023
Leipzig University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Creases, corners and caustics: non-smooth structures on black hole horizons

29 Aug 2023, 15:00
Leipzig University

Leipzig University

Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences Linnéstr. 5 04103 Leipzig
Plenary talk Afternoon session 1


Harvey Reall (Cambridge University)


The event horizon of a dynamical black hole is generically a non-smooth hypersurface. I shall describe the types of non-smooth structure that can arise on a horizon that is smooth at late time. This includes creases, corners and caustic points.
I shall discuss perestroikas'' of these structures, in which they undergo a qualitative change at an instant of time. A crease perestroika gives an exact local description of the event horizon near theinstant of merger'' of a generic black hole merger. Other crease perestroikas describe horizon nucleation or collapse of a hole in a toroidal horizon. I shall discuss the possibility that creases contribute to black hole entropy, and the implications of non-smoothness for higher derivative terms in black hole entropy. This talk is based on joint work with Maxime Gadioux.

Presentation materials