Jun 10 – 12, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

The effective-one-body (EOB) framework is a powerful analytical tool for the solution of the two-body problem in general relativity and beyond. The EOB approach is used to design waveform models for gravitational-wave (GW) astronomy and more in general to explore the two-body dynamics incorporating perturbative and numerical results in a unified framework.

EOBAtWork is the third of a series of workshops aimed at starting a collaborative research effort at the frontiers of EOB development. The workshop is informal and technical. It alternates discussions with hands-on sessions.

The topic of the 2024 workshop is:

The interplay between conservative and dissipative dynamics

Recent works suggests that semi-analytical EOB models approach the accuracy threshold of numerical relativity. As such, even (apparently) minor modeling choices can have significant impact on waveforms.
In this workshop we will focus on one specific aspect of the EOB framework: the modeling of the GW flux and its interplay with the conservative dynamics.

In particular, we will discuss:

  • Pathways to include PM information in the conservative EOB sector;
  • The modeling of horizon absorption in the comparable and extreme-mass-ratio limits;
  • Synergies and requirements from numerical relativity

Additionally we will have a special evening lecture:

"EOB - offspring of the PN ADM formalism" by Prof. Gerhard Schäfer

on Tuesday at 16:30.

Fröbelstieg 1, 07743 Jena
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