Opening day
Submission deadline
Molecular Biosensing: from Theory to Practice is a symposium that aims to encourage young researchers to share their work with the world and we think that flash talks are perfect for that purpose.
If you would like to let us know what you are up to in the lab at the same time as you improve your communication and language skills send us your abstract. We will be delighted to get to know you and your research.
Abstracts must be around 250 words long. You could use the form here below to submit it or send a PDF file. After the submission deadline we will select abstracts that fit the symposium best and will contact you. You will then be asked to record a 5 min long talk and send us the video so we can present it during the symposium.
Should you have any question, do no hesitate to reach out using by email at symposium2021@listserv.uni-jena.de