Celestial holography from a flat space limit of AdS/CFT (Ana-Maria Raclariu)

Abbeanum/Ground floor-HS 2 - Hörsaal 2 (TPI, FSU Jena)

Abbeanum/Ground floor-HS 2 - Hörsaal 2



Abstract:  In this talk I will discuss efforts in formulating a holographic correspondence for gravity in four-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes. The proposed dual theory lives on a two-dimensional celestial sphere and is constrained by a wide range of symmetries. The holographic observables are celestial amplitudes obtained by computing the S-matrix in a basis of asymptotic boost eigenstates. I will show that many properties of massless celestial amplitudes arise in certain kinematic limits of correlation functions of local, unitary CFTs in one higher dimension. I will present some concrete examples of celestial amplitudes constructed in this way and derive the infinity of celestial symmetries from Ward identities in the higher dimensional CFT. 

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