12–16 Aug 2019
Jena FSU
Europe/Berlin timezone

Influence of astrophysical and nuclear physics uncertainties on the nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernova neutrino-driven winds

16 Aug 2019, 11:00
Abbeanum-Ground floor-HS1 - Hörsaal 1 (Jena FSU)

Abbeanum-Ground floor-HS1 - Hörsaal 1

Jena FSU

Fröbelstieg 1, 07743 Jena
Oral Contribution Nucleosynthesis


Maximilian Jacobi (TU-Darmstadt)


Neutrino-driven winds emerging after a successful core-collapse
supernovae can produce the lighter heavy elements between Fe and Ag depending on the
properties of the ejecta.
However, despite the fast progress in supernovae simulations in the last
decades, there are still large uncertainties in the astrophysical
We rely on a steady-state neutrino-driven wind model to
systematically study the influence of astrophysical uncertainties on
the nucleosynthesis evolution in neutrino-driven ejecta.
Furthermore, uncertainties in the nuclear physic input to the
nucleosynthesis calculation impact the abundance patterns.
In order to identify key reactions, we perform sensitivity studies based on a
Monte Carlo approach for a variety of astrophysical conditions in neutron- and
proton-rich ejecta.

Supported by the European Research Council Grant No. 677912 EUROPIUM
and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through SFB 1245 (Projektnummer

Keywords Nucleosynthesis

Primary author

Maximilian Jacobi (TU-Darmstadt)


Dr Julia Bliss (TU-Darmstadt) Prof. Almudena Arcones (TU-Darmstadt)

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