12-16 August 2019
Jena FSU
Europe/Berlin timezone

Optimal neutron-star mass ranges to constrain the equation of state of nuclear matter with electromagnetic and gravitational-wave observations

14 Aug 2019, 14:30
Abbeanum-Ground floor-HS1 - Hörsaal 1 (Jena FSU)

Abbeanum-Ground floor-HS1 - Hörsaal 1

Jena FSU

Fröbelstieg 1, 07743 Jena
Oral Contribution Equation of State


Lukas Weih (Goethe University, Frankfurt)


Exploiting a very large library of physically plausible equations of state (EOSs) containing more than $10^7$ members and yielding more than $10^9$ stellar models, we conduct a survey of the impact that a neutron-star radius measurement via electromagnetic observations can have on the EOS of nuclear matter. Such measurements are soon to be expected from the ongoing NICER mission and will complement the constraints on the EOS from gravitational-wave detections. Thanks to the large statistical range of our EOS library, we can obtain a first quantitative estimate of the commonly made assumption that the high-density part of the EOS is best constrained when measuring the radius of the most massive, albeit rare, neutron stars with masses $M > 2.1 M$?. At the same time, we find that radius measurements of neutron stars with masses $M \sim 1.7 − 1.85 M$? can provide the strongest constraints on the low-density part of the EOS. Finally, we quantify how radius measurements by future missions can further improve our understanding of the EOS of matter at nuclear densities.

Keywords Nuclear Theory

Primary authors

Lukas Weih (Goethe University, Frankfurt) Elias Most Luciano Rezzolla

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