12–16 Aug 2019
Jena FSU
Europe/Berlin timezone

Fully relativistic CCSN simulations of 20Msun star with magnetic field

13 Aug 2019, 11:00
Abbeanum-Ground floor-HS1 - Hörsaal 1 (Jena FSU)

Abbeanum-Ground floor-HS1 - Hörsaal 1

Jena FSU

Fröbelstieg 1, 07743 Jena
Oral Contribution Core-Collapse Supernovae


Takami Kuroda (Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt)


We will report fully relativistic CCSN simulations of 20Msun progenitor star with M1 neutrino transport. To explore the role of magnetic field, particularly in the explosion dynamics and in the explosive nucleosynthesis, we calculated several models w/ and w/o rotation and magnetic field. Regarding the dynamics, we found a bipolar outflow in strongly magnetized model, while oblate like explosion is seen in non-magnetized rotating model. The ejecta in the magnetorotational explosion (MRE) model show relatively higher entropy and Ye compared to the previous studies with rather more simplified neutrino treatments. Because of the 3D effects, the MRE is not a collimated jet-like explosion and the abundance pattern reaches only up to the second peak. This is consistent with previous study. In this talk, we will also discuss their multi-messenger aspects including neutrino and GW signals.

Keywords Core-Collapse Supernovae

Primary author

Takami Kuroda (Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt)


Prof. Tomoya Takiwaki (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Mr Moritz Reichert (Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt) Almudena Arcones Prof. Kei Kotake (Fukuoka University)

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