Quantum Theory Seminar

On the existence of spatially inhomogeneous phases (in the GN model and beyond)

by Adrian Koenigstein

Abbeanum/Ground floor-HS 2 - Hörsaal 2 (TPI, FSU Jena)

Abbeanum/Ground floor-HS 2 - Hörsaal 2



One of the central challenges in high-energy physics is to resolve the phase structure of strong-interaction matter at nonzero baryon chemical potential and (non)zero temperature. A possible scenario for the low-temperature region of the phase diagram is the occurrence of a crystalline phase, where the chiral condensate oscillates in space. These so-called inhomogeneous phases were found in various QFTs under certain conditions.

In this talk I discuss aspects of spatially inhomogeneous condensation using a simplified model - the Gross-Neveu model. I will present methods to (theoretically) detect such phases as well as recent results on conditions for their existence.