Quantum Theory Seminar

Toward QCD on Quantum Computer: Orbifold Lattice Approach

by Dr Masanori Hanada (QM University of London)

Abbeanum/Ground floor-HS 2 - Hörsaal 2 (TPI, FSU Jena)

Abbeanum/Ground floor-HS 2 - Hörsaal 2


Although Kogut-Susskind Hamiltonian is a popular choice for quantum simulations, there are some technical complications when it is applied to QCD, and more generally, to SU(N) gauge theory. In this talk, we try to convince you that the orbifold lattice can be a simpler alternative. The orbifold lattice was proposed in 2003 by Kaplan, Katz and Unsal, to construct a supersymmetric lattice gauge theory. Now we forget about supersymmetry and apply the same technique to build a simple lattice Hamiltonian suitable for quantum simulations. 

This talk is based on arXiv:2011.06576 [hep-th] (published in JHEP) and a paper in preparation. We will try to convey the main messages avoiding too much technical details.