I will describe the low energy limit of the D0-matrix models and their gravitational interpretations. I will show that in low energies it is possible to obtain a confined, stable phase in the matrix model and how this is interpreted as a gas of supergravitons in 11D spacetime, following motivation from the usual holography. This confinement/deconfinement transition is interpreted as a topology change in the gravity side. Stable phases can be studied at low temperatures and to this end, I will be using the deformed D0-matrix model (BMN). I will argue that the role of the singlet and non-singlet sectors in the contributions to the partition functions are almost the same in these low temperatures providing numerical verifications. In addition, I will compare numerical results from the matrix model with the internal energy of the analytically known black zero-brane at low temperatures where stringy corrections are small. This way we are in a position to better test the gauge/gravity duality when both sides are computable.