Quantum Theory Seminar

[QG-AA] Surveying the foggy landscape of quantum gravity phenomenology

by Prof. David Mattingly (University of New Hampshire)


Quantum gravity phenomenology incorporates a tremendous spread of experimental approaches - from kilometer scale astrophysical laboratories sensitive to classical imprints of Planck scale quantum spacetime to micron sized mechanical systems aiming to prove the quantum nature of weak field general relativity. The proliferation of dramatically different techniques is due to two related difficulties: there is no single current experimental approach that can directly probe the quantum gravitational regime and there are numerous theoretical quantum gravity models that give different subtle modifications to low energy physics.  In this talk I give a survey of various phenomenological approaches, relating each to the underlying relevant theoretical frameworks, and detail how each approach says _something_ about quantum gravity, although none can give us a direct picture.


Seminar takes place online via Zoom:

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Meeting-ID: 695 5647 0634
Kenncode: QG-AA