Quantum Theory Seminar

Graded Hilbert spaces and quantum distillation in QFT

by Prof. Mithat Ünsal (North Carolina State University)

I construct various generalizations of partition function
in non-supersymmetric theories, including few fairly close to QCD,
that do not undergo a phase transition upon circle compactification.
This is similar to what happens in supersymmetric index calculations
but there it is guaranteed by supersymmetry, and Bose-Fermi grading of
Hilbert space. In manifestly non-supersymmetric theories in QM, 2d and
4d, I will show that by constructing similar symmetry graded state
sums, one can achieve similar degree of cancellation among states in
Hilbert space even in non-supersymmetric theories.  This leads to a
weakly coupled  non-perturbatively calculable regime in  interesting
QFTs adiabatically connected to strong coupling regime, and provides a
weak coupling mechanism of chiral symmetry breaking.